Becoming a Beekeeper - AmazingBees | for everyone interested in bees and beekeeping
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Becoming a Beekeeper

Becoming a Beekeeper - How do I start ?

Beekeeping involves far more than simply acquiring a beehive, placing it in the backyard and every now and then "turn the tap on" for some honey !

Successfully managing some hives with bees requires some knowledge about bees and beekeeping. Even with the best intentions there are reasons why someone should not start beekeeping.

Before venturing into Beekeeping please conduct a Beekeeping Reality Test.

I have prepared such a reality check with Session 1 of my

Once you have completed Session 1 and your desire to keep bees hasn't faded, I encourage you to continue the course through sessions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

My course provides you with a sound foundation for becoming a beekeeper.

For a list of other Beekeeping Courses please visit

Joining a Beekeeper Club

Rather than experiencing it all on your own, why not join a beekeeper club or an association to fast track your knowledge and experience?

By joining a beekeeper club you usually have the support from other beekeepers, access to a library of beekeeping books and other media, as well as the benefit of beekeeping discussions.

The practical element of experienced beekeepers does often complement the knowledge obtained from books.

For a list of Beekeeper Clubs and Associations in Australia

Beekeeping Supplies - where to get it
Please be advised that Amazing Bees is not trading in beekeeping supplies, tools and equipment. I am a beekeeper and only offer products and services when available.

For Traders of Beekeeping Supplies please visit

Beekeepers wanting to buy or sell beekeeping equipment
or make announcements can post it on

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