In 1822 European Honeybees have been introduced into Australia and have established widely throughout the continent. Should after so many bee generations in Australia European Bees not qualify as Aussie Bees?
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Welcome to the Amazing Bees website.
A website for everyone interested in bees and beekeeping.
My name is Dietmar Klimkeit and I have created this website to share the knowledge about Honeybees and Beekeeping and raise awareness of the challenges bees and beekeepers are facing in our modern world - and hopefully inspire more people to become beekeepers.
The website has been in existence since 2008 and over the years has evolved to what it is now - a source of information for everyone interested in bees and beekeeping.
About AmazingBees
Amazing Bees is by no means a commercial organisation, just a beekeeper with a passionate hobby, located on the eastern fringe of Melbourne (Australia).
On 5th February 2005 me and my wife started beekeeping and it kept us busy and entertained from that day on. With the arrival of grand kids my wife is no longer engaged in beekeeping. She does enjoy the honey though.
I have never been operating a "bee farm" or a "honey farm" you could potentially visit. I kept my beehives located on other people's private land.
Beekeeping has been my dedicated hobby and required a significant investment in time, travel and engagement, especially during spring and summer.
Recently my health condition limited my physical ability to manage all my hives and I decided to reduce the number of beehives in 2023, leaving me with two hives in my backyard.
On the positive, it leaves me more time for my websites.
How did you get into beekeeping? is the question I have been often asked and the answer is a journey back into childhood.
No, it is not the honey.
honey robbers
Beekeeper Dietmar
Beekeeper Elena